As a latecomer to
Pinterest, I went through a period when I was endlessly browsing boards I followed, boards I didn't follow, DIY boards, popular boards, boards about kids (I'm not a mother or pregnant), boards about weddings (I'm not getting married), boards about home projects (I'm not a homeowner)...and on from there. Things were getting out of control. Luckily, I have tamed my initial overwhelming need to see everything ever pinned and now exercise a healthy level of pinning. I like pinning style-related, home-related, recipe-related, and pretty-related things, but try to stay away from the other 30 categories advertised. I guess I'd rather be doing than pinning.
One thing I do find myself attracted to are pretty prints and posters that I can't necessarily buy or display, but like to let others know that I like them. So, in the middle of summer, when I really want to hop in the car and just drive for hours, or get the itch to just
go somewhere that is not in the city, or long for a real vacation and not just days off, I can pin these images and remind myself that The Big Trip is about 6 weeks away, and I will definitely get my fill of day-long drives and new places.
on Pinterest, but no original source link |
I have lived in the Midwest my whole on the ocean sounds so exotic!
My motto, perhaps.
again, no original link |
Sometimes when I feel like I'll end up living in my car and never land a job in LA and will crash and burn when I leave my comfort zone of Chicago, I have to remind myself of this.
Trust me, Fleetwood Mac is definitely on at least one of my road trip playlists.
Something important to remember as I try to donate/sell as much as I can before moving.
I'd love for you to
follow me on Pinterest! (Also follow me by clicking the button on the sidebar). And I'd love to follow you to see what itches Pinterest helps you scratch...wait, let me rephrase that...
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