Bank and investment commercials tell me it's never too early to start planning for my retirement. I used to ignore it (and would rather plan for this month's bills) but after visiting Livingston, MT, I have decided that my plan will involve retiring to this adorable little town just north of Yellowstone. I've already planned to strap a canoe to the top my car, like the folks in this photo. The finances need some work, but the dream is there.
We set out for Yellowstone from Big Timber, MT, where we spent the night in a KOA campground. We rented a small one-room cabin (that slept up to 4 people!) for something in the area of $50. As a life-long spider hater, I'm happy to report that the restrooms were very clean and spider free!
We decided to stop in Livingston for some coffee and a little breakfast. We ended up at this tiny coffee shop, owned by a former MMA manager who had chosen a slower paced life.
We made our way into the downtown area of Livingston and immediately decided to stop and walk around, despite what we knew would be a long day in Yellowstone & Grand Teton. Luckily, we had left very early in the morning. Being able to stop at an unknown small town for the morning is the unplanned beauty of road trips! And we discovered a true gem of a town. Outlined by the shadowy mountains, Livingston still retained loads of charm--from 1800's restored storefronts to 1960's signage--that was incredibly well-maintained and clean. Not to mention that wikipedia tells me that the town is a writers' and actors' colony! I'm pretty sold on ending up here one day.

It was sad to say goodbye so soon to such a welcoming and homey place. I wish we could've had a full day to spend in this little town, but I know I'll be back someday. Livingston also launched us into an incredible leg of our journey: through Yellowstone, Grand Teton, and Bryce Canyon National Parks. I can't wait to share!
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