Wednesday, June 6, 2012

worn out

My beloved Minnetonka moccasins have seen better days. I've had them for five years now, and I think they hold the title as the most-worn item in my closet. I've worn them in sunshine, rain, snow--you name it. I figured that Native Americans wore their moccasins in all types of weather, so I would too. I think I have to face reality, though, and lay the fringed footwear to rest. The multiple holes and flapping soles really do make them unwearable. I was thinking of maybe using the fringe for a project,'s been on my feet (in rain & sweltering heat, remember?)'s probably not a good idea. Since I'm saving every dime right now for the big move to California at the end of the summer, I'll probably have to wait until the fall to buy a new pair... :(

I'm finding my life lately a lot like these moccasins--I am feeling worn. out. I've been working really hard with the Right Brain Project theatre company on the show Marat/Sade (actual title: The Persecution and Assassination of Jean-Paul Marat as Performed by the Inmates of the Asylum of Charenton under the Direction of the Marquis de you know why it's commonly shortened) by Peter Weiss. We open tomorrow night, so I've been spending my days working, my nights at tech/dress rehearsals, plus trying to work out an upcoming acting opportunity, keeping up with you fine folks, and trying to make the most of my summer in Chicago. It's been exhausting, but I like being busy doing the things I love. Working on creative projects makes me feel purposeful.

Want to see the trailer for my show? If you're in Chicago, I highly recommend coming to see a performance!

1 comment:

  1. looks like we'll have to pick you out a new pair when you stop in colorado! wish i could be there for marat/sade!
